Saturday, January 31, 2009

Disperse the Word.

Stories are told to whom ever will listen. Whether they are through the spoken word or told through a canvas and paint, a message is passed to those who have open ears or open eyes. 

"It may be a fire. Perhaps it is just a spark. Whatever be. It might just make you start..."

Last night I was lucky enough to experience some of the most original and expressive forms of art I have been exposed to in a long time.

Old friends and new friends, and friends of friends came together and showcased their own personal stories through mediums such as rhythmic sounds, collaborative rhymes, expressive art, and written words.  People were engaged in conversation created by the many exciting activities being performed on the multiple levels of this north boulder residence. Inside, above a basement full of people, paint, and beats that inspire one to pick up a mic, was a band of three that filled the room with rhythms that moved the bodies of the many filling the room. Soon those two sounds would come together and only inspired more to join in the sessions of poetic entertainment. The exciting vibe made you move even if it wasn't your intention. The music just filled the scene. 

If the joy upstairs wasn't enough, the basement of people, paint and hip hop beats, brought a magnetic dynamic to the event. 

A light blue wall soon became the victim of a flood of expression. Artists filled the wall with paint and drawings of different shapes and colors that covered the once empty blue and created a giant conversation piece that brought strangers together to discuss their thoughts and excitement. It truly was an experience. I met some of the most interesting people in a town that I know very few. I expect to have the pleasure of attending another of these events which hopes to carry a somewhat regular schedule. My thanks to the hosts and hostesses. I imagine my next experience will be just as rewarding. To me, a guy with limited artistic ability, being able to attend such a thing, was truly amazing.

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