Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Flow of Electrons

All experience and achievement is based on a flow of electrons.
A gradient of positive charge to negative charge.

An elemental natural state for man
with eyes raised to the sky, a creation of light from heat.
Rapid oxidation exciting electrons
from a solid state to a gaseous
or oxygen to carbon dioxide
(or, in oxygen-poor environments, monoxide).

The type, type, type,
space, space, space of the keyboard.
The electrostatic force in the electrons in his finger
push against the electrostatic force in the button
signaling a release of electrons to the motherboard
and there it is
the letter g.

The ideas that changed the human universe
gravity from the electrons in Newton's head
which undoubtedly came from eating apples
that were assimilated into gray matter,
apple electrons flowing to think about a falling apple.
Wave particle duality from the heads of planck and Heisenberg
matter masquerading as monks with their heads down.
Like religion, each culture has its own story about the creation of zero.
(Either the Arabs were first, or the Mayans
or the Egyptians. Or the Greeks.)
Off, off, on, off, on, off, off, off, on, on, on, off, off, on, on.
Atoms share electrons -
we share knowledge.